3 Reasons to Change Your Air Filters Every Month

changing air filters every month

Dust is a real problem in the Fountain Hills and the surrounding Sun Valley. While many areas of the U.S. brace for snow, ice, hurricanes or other extreme weather events, weโ€™re plagued with โ€˜walls of dust.โ€™ This reason alone is enough to regularly change the filter in your HVAC system.

Regular HVAC maintenance performed by professionals such as Shadrach Plumbing & Cooling includes a comprehensive inspection and cleaning of your HVAC system. Changing the air filter is an important part of that process. In a dry, dusty environment like ours, homeowners should change them monthly. If youโ€™re unsure about how to go about it, your Shadrach technician can show you how to change the air filter.

Because air filters capture dust, allergens and other pollutants, HVAC air filters should be changed frequently for many reasons related to both the comfort and health of the occupants.

Reasons to Change Your Air Filters

  • Since the air filter keeps dirt and dust from getting into the furnace and AC, not changing it often enough will cause your equipment to work harder and less efficiently. An inefficient HVAC system is not only keeping you less comfortable, it’s also costing you more money in utility expenses.
  • Dirty air filters allow dust, dirt and allergens to be blown around inside your house. Your eyes will likely be itching and your nose running. If you or a family member has allergy issues, the effects of the extra irritants could range from mild to more serious respiratory issues.
  • When air filters are compacted with dirt, itโ€™s in your ductwork, too. When the HVAC system is running, dirt is free-flowing inside, making it harder to keep your indoor home environment clean. 

If you havenโ€™t scheduled HVAC maintenance with Shadrach yet, thereโ€™s still time. 

Call Shadrach Plumbing & Cooling today to schedule the cleaning and inspection for your HVAC system. Youโ€™ll be glad you did.